Google Keyword Planner:

Google Keyword Planner:

The free Google Keyword Planner tool aids advertisers in locating keywords pertinent to their goods or services. By giving information on search volume, keyword competition, and suggested bid for each, it enables users to investigate and analyse potential keywords for their advertising campaigns. Utilizing this knowledge will enable you to develop targeted advertising campaigns that maximise ROI. You need a Google Ads account to access the Google Keyword Planner, but you don’t need to be running a campaign to do so.

How to Use Google keyword planner:

The Google Keyword Planner is a useful tool that may aid in the optimisation of your SEO and PPC efforts, so spend some time learning about its capabilities and experimenting with different approaches to see which is most effective for your company.


Log in to your account for Google Ads. You can make a free account if you don’t already have one.Choose “Keyword Planner” from the “Tools & Settings” menu by clicking.Enter a word or phrase associated with your good or service in the “Discover New Keywords” area. You can also choose a product category or enter the URL of your website.Select your desired language, location, and search network options.To view a list of similar keywords along with their monthly search volume, competitiveness, and other data, click “Get Results”.To reduce your keyword list and locate the ones that are most useful and relevant for your campaign, use the filtering and sorting options.

After choosing your keywords, click “Add to Plan” to add them to a fresh or already-running campaign.For various bid and budget situations, determine your prospective traffic, costs, and performance using the forecasting tools in the “Plan Overview” section.Click “Create Campaign” to configure your advertising and targeting options when you’re ready to start your campaign.

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